- External, internal signage and light boxes
- Displays
- Shelf systems and shelfstoppers
- Moulahs and growth figures
POS materials help to increase sales, is the information support of selling goods / services. POS materials are made of plastic, acrylic, PVC, composite materials. In the production process, we apply milling and laser cutting, cutting, bending of plastic and polishing. Our priority area is the production of materials that promote the promotion of goods at points of sale: shopping malls, supermarkets, public places.
Main tasks of POS materials:
- Localization – POS materials inform people about the location of the store, the company and the point of sale, where they can get services or buy the necessary goods. These are, first of all, signboards, company logos, made of plastic elements.
- Informing – POS materials inform buyers about the content of goods in the store, their types, availability, prices, discounts, etc. Made in the form of pointers, they help to find the best route to the goods inside the shopping area.
- Zoning – with the help of POS materials, you can arrange the work of the sales department in such a way that all of its sites have their intended purpose. Materials divide the trading area into certain areas: the cashier’s section, departments for commodity positions, the input-output zone.
- Branding – POS materials contribute to the high recognition of the brand and its products among buyers. This effect is achieved when using logo designers with company names.
- Motivation – POS materials awaken buyers’ desire to purchase the products of the advertised trademark, putting positive characteristics on the packaging or the price tag of the goods is of interest to them.
- Exposition – advertising media of POS-materials attract buyers to commodity items at the expense of a separate place of their placement at a point of sale.
We create exclusive POS materials that fit the image of brands and companies. They provide potential buyers and customers with clear information about their services and products.
Create design and constructive

Our company provides services on design and design of POS materials. This is the initial stage in the production of promotional products. The success of an advertising company depends on the design. The task of creating a design of POS-materials is to get ready-made sketches that are as high as possible meet the above criteria. Creating effective POS materials largely determines the success and promotion of your brand.
How is everything going on?
Creating sketches and projects is literally from scratch. The customer provides the company logo, photos, pictures, the type of product. What should be the text on the products and which colors are desirable to choose.
Next, we show our samples of pre-orders. Let us note which materials are best used for such work. The customer specifies what he wants to see on the layout, chooses for himself the mock-ups of the products presented by us. Supplements some details and removes excess, and we agree on the final draft. Then we calculate the cost of future products and announce the amount.
When everyone is happy, we start up the project. If the customer has drawings, we translate it into a computer format. If there is no drawing, then we make the necessary measurements. Next, we use design programs to get 3D product models.
When designing, we use the designer format, which allows you to easily add and remove individual elements in products. If the customer does not like this or that design element, we can easily replace this item with another one. That is, any sketch can be easily modified and get plenty of variations that will suit everyone.
We have extensive experience in designing POS materials. During our activity we have created our work and improved standard methods, which allows you to always execute orders promptly and as much as possible.

PromoExpert Company provides the following services:
- Sewing of promotional clothing according to individual orders (shirts, polo, raglans, jackets, t-shirts)
- Special sewing clothing for points of sale (aprons, clothing for promoters)
- Sewing of medical clothes (bathrobes, surgical suits, vests for pharmacists, chests for armchairs)
- Supply of terry products from Turkey
- Supply of cups
Promotional clothing is a form in which dressed salesmen, doctors, promoters, etc. The person in such an outfit is visible from afar, which attracts the attention of people on the street, in shopping halls and in mass events.
We sew clothes, presented in the lists above, according to individual orders. T-shirts, caps, raglans, medical clothing, and vests are applied to the company’s image and logos. This is a great opportunity to make a statement about yourself.